Wednesday, April 14, 2010

低调 - 张栋梁

嬉笑 打闹 拥抱 留下了那么多开心合照
互相取暖依靠 熬过了最低潮
一起生活 也一起埋怨过 走过最好与最糟
我在心里想的不用说明 你知道

晨昏日夜颠倒 这房子突然没从前热闹
散落一地微笑 没有人去打扫
感情很微妙 再多付出也好 再多关心都徒劳


因为不想打扰 我在寂寞的墙角
努力的对自己好 你用微笑回报

傻子才会哭闹 就算你发现也好
我想你一定会选择 假装不知道

晨昏日夜颠倒 这房子突然没从前热闹
散落一地微笑 没有人去打扫
感情很微妙 再多付出也好 再多关心都徒劳


因为不想打扰 我在寂寞的墙角
努力的对自己好 你用微笑回报

傻子才会哭闹 就算你发现也好
我想你一定会选择 假装不知道

因为不想打扰 我在寂寞的墙角
努力的对自己好 你用微笑回报

傻子才会哭闹 就算你发现也好
我想你一定会选择 假装不知道

love the lyric and the song so much!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Good Luck

Good Luck to You All =)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

3rd Semester??

1 month to exam!! arrgghh!!
what had i learned?? 6 subject this semester?? 18 credit hours??
haha, don't know lerr..
economic development, statistic, business computing, microeconomic, economic malaysian & critical thinking??
kill me ba!! i learned 等价交换, 合理化烟雾, 二八定论, 蓝海.. thanks wailoong =)
ohya, and also differentiation, cost saving and responsiveness..
hahahahahaha, port dickson trip arrr!! nice nice!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009



1 把它看做红灯。当红灯等得够久,很快就会转成绿灯。
2 蓄积能量再出发。停泄不是不动,而是为了再出发。

= 黑暗最深的时候,也就是光要出现的时刻。

当失意受挫的时候,smile smile =)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bad Luck 2

2nd day of school, haiz..
before i start my 3rd sem, i registered a course named critical thinking with the classes every tuesday and thursday, 3pm to 4pm.. yesterday, i registered a tutorial class on tuesday 2pm..
today, i happi happi went uni and tried to pay attention in classes.. huh?? what happened that let my 2nd day sucks?? when my mikro's lecturer announced the time for tutorial classes, im shocked.. the time for tutorial classes is tuesday 2pm, tuesday 3pm or thursday 2pm.. based on my timetable, i got no choice and terpaksa to take the class on thursday 2pm.. im fine with this, and went to another class, growth and development of economy.. this time i really pengsan la, the lecturer announced the tutorial time that same with my micro's lecturer.. tuesday 2pm got tutorial dy, 3pm got lecture class.. thursday 2pm just got mikro tutorial, 3pm got lecture class.. diu mou?? i cant even fix in any of the timetable now, the 3 course timetable crash DOU BANG BANG SHEANG!! haiz..
tomorrow need to ask lecturer whether can change the tutorial timetable or not.. and also beg another lecturer to allow me to take back the second year course, haiz..
why my 3rd sem so cham de?? now very very fan arrr.. all assignment mates hilang!!

god, bless me please.. thanks..

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sem 3, 1st Day.. Sucks

yeahh, 1st day of my 3rd sem in university of malaya..
pagi pagi 8am i prepared all my stuffs and wanna begin my journey.. krriikk krriikk, diu lol.. car battery died dy, cham mou?? no choice, called my daddy and asked him fetch me to lrt.. the time i reached lrt was 830am, and my 1st class on monday is 9am.. i reached uni already, 920am.. late, skipped my 1st class..
ok then, i tried to enjoy my 1st day with my unimates.. here, i found something wrong in my timetable.. can u imagine that, i got 5hours break that start from 11am to 4pm.. what can i do?? haiz T.T i went to computer lab and tried to change my timetable.. i planned to drop 1 subject and take another subject.. i dropped one of my subject, mathematic to economy then i started to key in the course code for another subject, sosiology.. klik, oo group for sosiology is full.. ok, i expected.. nevermind, i will take my old timetable and take the course mathematic to economy.. klik, full again.. diu lol, now 两头不到岸.. i started to panic and tried and tried.. haiz, no differences.. my day end up with taking some course i dont realli like to study..
stupid right?? on the way back.. wait buses for a long time, the sun hot like hell..
diu again.. haiz..
my dearest "LUCK", i need you so much..
good luck to me, please.. smile smile ^__________^

Friday, June 19, 2009

Smart And Stupid??

why they are so smart but im so stupid de?? aiks..
haha.. most of us think so, me too.. and here i learn, ...
"if you think you are smart, you're not neccesary smart.. but if you think you are stupid, then you are sure 100% stupid and no way can change it.."
so begin from today, im smart and you are smart too..

a big smile to u all ^ ________________________ ^